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INFB  Network security Course INF
Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Michael Pilgermann   
Term 5
Course Classification : Bachelor Informatik, Profil-Katalog B-INF-Profil CH 4
Language : Englisch Type VÜ 
Type of examination : PL  Credits
Method of evaluation : oral examination or written examination 
Requirements :
Cross References :  
Previous knowledges : Security fundamentals Operating Systems / Computer Networks  
Aids and special features :  
Teaching aims : The students understand the relevance of attack scenarios on IP based communication networks. They can apply introduced tools in order to independently run security assessments.
The students can draft a solution for protecting against attacks within the LAN or from the Internet.
The students have a basic understanding about the technologies and methodologies for monitoring and detection of cyber attacks in IP based networks, in order to contribute to the establishment of a corresponding organizational unit (Security Operation Center). They can assess security incidents and can suggest reasonable reactions.  
Contents :

1. MAC attacks and Port-Security
2. ARP attacks and VLANs
3. Attacks on TCP+UDP and in higher layers as well as countermeasures (ICMP, DHCP, DNS)
4. Port-based access control
5. Security of WLANs
6. Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
7. Packet filters und Firewalls
8. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
9. Monitoring, Security Information Event Management und Security Operations Center  

Literature : Claudia Eckert: IT-Sicherheit: Konzepte – Verfahren – Protokolle, 10. Aufl., De Gruyter, 2018.
James Kurose, Keith Ross, "Computernetzwerke", 6. Auflage, PearsonStudium, 2014
Matthias Hofherr: WLAN-Sicherheit: Professionelle Absicherung von 802.11-Netzen
Andreas Aurand: LAN-Sicherheit: Schwachstellen, Angriffe und Schutzmechanismen in lokalen Netzwerken - am Beispiel von Cisco Catalyst Switches
Eric Amberg, Daniel Schmid: Hacking – der umfassende Praxis-Guide (978-3-95845-218-3)
Arun E Thomas: Security Operations Center – Analyst Guide
Norbert Pohlmann: Cybersicherheit – Das Lehrbuch für Konzepte, Prinzipien, Mechanismen, Architekturen und Eigenschaften von Cybersicherheitssystemen in der Digitalisierung
Carson Zimmerman (Mitre): Ten Strategies of a World-Class Cybersecurity Operations Center, 2014  

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